Healthy Kids Bright Futures
Once centers have completed our 15 hours of Trauma Informed Care training, our licensed social worker will connect with staff and center director. The Healthy Kids Bright Futures Program is a community-driven initiative devoted to nurturing the health and well-being of children from birth to five years of age who attend early care and education centers. We offer early mental health and screenings to children, ensuring access to essential services with the primary goal of reducing childhood trauma. Through case management activities, we connect families to healthcare, mental health, and social services. Qualified mental health professionals conduct screenings, coordinate care, and assist families in obtaining health insurance. Our aim is to identify and address service gaps, strengthen support networks, and foster lasting positive change within our communities.
Healthy Kids Bright Futures is made possible through collaborations with esteemed community partners, including:
Healthy Kids Bright Futures is made possible through collaborations with esteemed community partners, including:
- Wyandot Center/PACES Kansas City, KS
- Vibrant Health, Kansas City, KS
- Children’s Mercy Hospital, across various departments
- Wyandotte County Special Education
- Metro Lutheran Ministries Housing and Case Management Program, Kansas City, MO
- Samuel U. Rodgers Behavioral Health, Kansas City, MO
- Swope Health Behavioral Services, Kansas City, MO
- University of Kansas Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS)
- The Family Conservancy, Kansas City, KS
- Early Care and Education Centers across the region

Shelby Nace, a bilingual licensed master social worker/mental health professional, supports children and families at KC Healthy Kids’ partnering child care centers by providing screening, case management and service linkage. She also works with teachers and child care professionals so they can become their best selves for the children they serve.