Splitlog Farm and Orchard
Splitlog Farm is a unique urban farm near downtown Kansas City, Kansas. It’s across the street from M.E. Pearson Elementary, and students as young as preschoolers come over for outdoor, age appropriate plant science courses. They germinate seeds, plant seedlings and harvest produce.
Video: A Visit to Splitlog Farm
Community Housing Wyandotte County established the farm in 2014 to support their community building and engagement goals and in 2018, formed a partnership with KC Healthy Kids to operate the farm.
The farm is an excellent example of how a small space can be used to grow a substantial amount of food, and kids are a big part of that. On just a third of an acre plot, Splitlog grows about 2,000 pounds of produce, which is distributed to the community. The lot also features an orchard and a small natural playground.
In 2018, Splitlog Farm received the Champions for Health Award from KC Healthy Kids.
KC Healthy Kids manages the farm with the goal of improving farm to school opportunities in Kansas City, Kansas and providing food to people in the neighborhoods that surround the farm.
Partnering organizations include The Giving Grove, Kansas City Community Gardens, Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools and others will be involved. The farm offers excellent service opportunities for volunteers who want to help plant and harvest produce and distribute it to the community.
Sign up to volunteer:
Volunteer to work a farm shift, which might include starting seeds, transplanting, tending crops, harvesting, composting and pest control. Contact Community Housing of Wyandotte County at 913-342-7580 or [email protected].
Video: A Visit to Splitlog Farm
Community Housing Wyandotte County established the farm in 2014 to support their community building and engagement goals and in 2018, formed a partnership with KC Healthy Kids to operate the farm.
The farm is an excellent example of how a small space can be used to grow a substantial amount of food, and kids are a big part of that. On just a third of an acre plot, Splitlog grows about 2,000 pounds of produce, which is distributed to the community. The lot also features an orchard and a small natural playground.
In 2018, Splitlog Farm received the Champions for Health Award from KC Healthy Kids.
KC Healthy Kids manages the farm with the goal of improving farm to school opportunities in Kansas City, Kansas and providing food to people in the neighborhoods that surround the farm.
Partnering organizations include The Giving Grove, Kansas City Community Gardens, Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools and others will be involved. The farm offers excellent service opportunities for volunteers who want to help plant and harvest produce and distribute it to the community.
Sign up to volunteer:
Volunteer to work a farm shift, which might include starting seeds, transplanting, tending crops, harvesting, composting and pest control. Contact Community Housing of Wyandotte County at 913-342-7580 or [email protected].