Bees, Fowl and Livestock
Can I keep bees?
Contact your planning department or check the code of ordinances to see if beekeeping is a permitted land use and if apiaries or beehives are considered an accessory structure. Other animal or public health regulations may apply. Contact your local animal control or health department to see if a permit is required and if there are regulations on the number, structure and location of apiaries or beehives.
- Kansas City, KS
- No planning or health department regulations.
- Kansas City, MO
Can I keep fowl, small animals or livestock?
Fowl includes chickens, ducks, turkeys and other birds kept in pens. Livestock includes larger animals such as sheep, goats, swine, cattle, and horses. Other animals kept in pens that don’t fit in either category, like rabbits, might be referred to as small animals.
The code of ordinances will specify the type and number of animals allowed in your zoning district and whether permitting is required. The code will include regulations about the securing and sheltering animals and the maintenance of waste. It will also outline regulations for accessory structures, like coops, pens or barns. Review the code of ordinances or contact your planning department for more information. You may need to contact animal control or animal services for permitting for fowl or small livestock.
The code of ordinances will specify the type and number of animals allowed in your zoning district and whether permitting is required. The code will include regulations about the securing and sheltering animals and the maintenance of waste. It will also outline regulations for accessory structures, like coops, pens or barns. Review the code of ordinances or contact your planning department for more information. You may need to contact animal control or animal services for permitting for fowl or small livestock.
- Kansas City, KS
- Kansas City, MO