Step up your food advocacy efforts and help the Greater Kansas City Food Policy Coalition keep our local food system strong. NOW
1. Speak up for kids! We need a strong Child Nutrition Reauthorization that nourishes opportunities in our communities with programs like WIC, school means, after school and summer food programs. Legislators have begun working on this important legislation. Today you can:
2. Speak out for science. Ask congress to stop the USDA from banishing its scientists at Economic Research Service and National Institute of Food and Agriculture from Washington DC. Call the capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 to reach your US legislators and tell them: “Hello, I’m a constituent of ____________. I’m calling to ask them to block the USDA’s efforts to move NIFA and ERS away from Washington DC. Uprooting these research agencies will gut them of valuable expertise, isolate them from peers and partners, and leave agricultural research out of the critical policy debates centered in our nation’s capitol. We must ensure that farmers have the research and tools they need to continue feeding their neighbors and stewarding our natural resources for generations to come.” 3. Spread the news – KC Healthy Kids is growing and hiring! We’re accepting applications for a policy assistant position. Stay tuned for more coming soon! SOON 4. Set the coalition’s agenda for 2019 and beyond. Join the discussion as coalition members develop our short and long term policy agenda. Contact Teresa Kelly at [email protected] for details. 5. Decide who gets Farm Bill dollars by becoming a USDA competitive grant reviewer. They need experts such as farmers market managers, farmers, scientists and more. It’s an opportunity to advocate for good food policy and learn first hand what’s needed to craft a winning proposal. Learn more by checking out National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s blog post “Be A Grant Reviewer for USDA Competitive Grants” at 6. Help spread the word about Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Share through your networks and help Cultivate KC distribute vouchers to seniors. ALWAYS 7. Respond to & amplify alerts. Action alerts will be coming your way soon on the Child Nutrition Act and more If you’ve attended a coalition meeting but haven’t received any advocacy alerts check your spam folder and filter settings. Engage your network in advocacy by sharing our action alerts, social media posts & events. 8. Network and collaborate. Join fellow stakeholders by attending quarterly meetings (free and open to the public!) of the work groups. Info at 9. Support local farmers. Buy direct from farmers when possible and support retailers and restaurants who do the same. Local foods have a bigger local economic impact than conventional food sales AND it’s delicious. 10. Make a donation. Help us sustain effective advocacy on critical food policies by making a monthly or annual donation. Coalition membership is free, but the work isn’t! Supporters, Policy Pollinators and sponsors provide crucial support for costs that grants cannot cover, such as lobbying. Donate Today Comments are closed.