Policies that make healthy food affordable and improve access to safe places for walking and playing are keys to creating healthy and prosperous communities. These simple truths are ignored by the White House’s proposed budget, which was unveiled today. Major cuts to the departments of Agriculture, Education, Health and Transportation are grounds for serious concern when it comes to healthy eating and active living. Other departments were similarly (and even more severely) cut. Read More from The Wall Street Journal
1. Cuts Department of Agriculture by 21%. Not all cuts have yet been specified, but those that have include:
2. Cuts billions from community development programs and calls on state and local governments to make up the difference. For example:
3. Cuts the Department of Transportation by 13%, pushing responsibility for many transit and other projects to local governments.
4. Cuts the Department of Education budget by $9.2 billion (13.5%).
5. Cuts the Department of Health by 18%, including;
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