Wow, what a day! Here are just a few highlights from our 2020 Champions for Health Youth Summit, where students who received awards for their photo contest entries were presented with their cash awards, got to meet with their elected officials, and attended break out sessions, and went home with new advocacy skills to help them work with their school leaders to create a healthier environment for their community. We’d like to thank the teachers and volunteers who helped make the day a fun and memorable one for these young Champions for Health! See the Photos Watch Videos: See classroom presentations, NedRa Bonds’ keynote address, and clips from teachers, students and elected officials Bonner Springs Elementary’s Healthy Kids Crew won the grand prize and took home $2,500 for their project — a playground renovation! Artist NedRa Bonds acted as emcee and told the audience about young advocates like Ruby Bridges, Ryan White and Emma Gonzalez who have led adults to change the world. She also led a quilting project. Kids and elected officials made quilt squares that NedRa will sew into quilts. Elected officials from the students’ communities joined them for lunch to hear about their healthy schools projects. Pictured below are Maxine Drew president of the board of directors of Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools and Scott Burnett, Jackson County Legislator, and you can find more photos with the link above. Students attended breakout sessions presented by our Farm to School Academy, American Lung Association, Children’s Mercy and Inner Knowledge. And here’s what some teachers have to say about why they keep coming back! Champions for Health helps kids to think critically about how their urban, suburban or rural communities shape their health and to discover they have the power to improve their surroundings. Since 2013, the program has awarded more than $50,000 in cash prizes for student-led projects like school gardens, water bottle filling stations, farm to table dinners, incentives for walking to school and so much more. By changing their environment, they’re not only helping current students and staff, they’re making it easier for thousands of future students to be healthier too. Over the years, these projects end up costing just pennies per person. Special thanks to volunteers — we couldn’t have done it
without you! Travanna Alexander-Toney Kate Beatham Alice Elrod Lori Eshelman Stacy Farr Mackenzie Grause Anna Lake Tawana Sanders Maddy Scholten Erinn Skepnek Jeni Starr Krishawnda Weston Comments are closed.