Update June 4, 2019: Missouri Department of Agriculutre announces Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Update June 4, 2018: Missouri Governor approves Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program to begin in 2019 Update April 30, 2018: SB 787 passed out of House Rules Committee. Please urge Majority Floor Leader Rep. Rob Vescovo to take up the bill for debate by the full House as soon as possible so that the bill gets over the finish line! Update April 24, 2018: House Rules Committee will hold a hearing on SB 787 tomorrow, Wednesday, April 25 at 12:00 p.m. Update April 23, 2018: Only a few weeks remain for the bills to receive the votes they need to pass into law. Now is the time to speak up! This week, we are asking advocates in all Missouri districts to encourage the House to act on SB 787. It needs approval from the House Rules Committee on Legislative Oversight before it can proceed to the full chamber for final approval. Will you please contact the Chairman Shawn Rhoads and Majority Floor Leader Rob Vescovo and urge them to pass SB 787? These leaders need positive calls and emails of encouragement. Please speak up today and encourage your networks to do the same! Sample Script for Representative Barnes Shawn Rhoads (District 154, Howell County) Rules Chairman 573-751-1455 (o) [email protected] Hello, I’m ____(introduce yourself)___ and I’m calling today with a message of encouragement for Representative Rhoads regarding Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program legislation. May I give you my message? I encourage Rep. Rhoads to pass SB 787 out of Rules Committee this week. This consensus legislation has repeatedly fallen prey to end of session political fights. Rep. Rhoads can help ensure this year is different and get SB 787 over the finish line. Seniors and farmers need his help.(wait to respond to any questions and thank the staff before ending call) Sample Script for Representative Vescovo Rep. Rob Vescovo (District 112, Jefferson County) Majority Floor Leader 573 751 3607 (o) [email protected] Hello, I’m ____(introduce yourself)___ and I’m calling today with a message of encouragement for Floor Leader Vescovo regarding Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program legislation. May I give you my message? I encourage Rep. Vescovo to take up SB 787 for debate as soon as possible and do all he can to ensure it is truly agreed to and finally passed. This consensus legislation has repeatedly fallen prey to end of session political fights. Rep. Vescovo can help ensure this year is different and get SFMNP over the finish line. Seniors and farmers need his help! (wait to respond to any questions and thank the staff before ending call) Update April 10, 2018: SB 787 received a positive hearing and has passed out of the House Agriculture Policy Committee . Likewise, the Senate Agriculture Committee passed HB 1625 and moves on to the full Senate for consideration. Update April 9, 2018: Both HB 1625 and SB 787 will receive public hearings this week. HB 1625 will be heard by Senate Agriculture Committee on Monday, April 9 at 2:00 p.m., and the House Agriculture Policy Committee will hold an hearing for SB 787 on Tuesday, April 10 at 12:00 p.m.. Update April 11, 2017: HB 327 was heard by the Senate Ag Committee yesterday and was well received. We submitted written testimony in advance. Two others testified in person in favor, none in opposition. An executive session is expected today and our lobbyist has been working on follow up visits with committee members. We’re hearing from Senate leadership that it will go to the floor for debate. SB 373 was taken back up for debate on the Senate floor today. There were shenanigans last week, including a couple of amendments, which temporarily paused debate. Anyway, the last amendment offered was withdrawn today and the bill was perfected. The Senate will need to vote on it once more before it can go to the house, but normally this isn’t a problem if the perfection vote went smoothly. Update April 3, 2017: Today’s hearing for HB 327 has been cancelled. It appears the bill may instead be heard tomorrow, and a representative of KC Healthy Kids will deliver testimony on behalf of Beth Low-Smith. Missouri is one of only seven states that do not participate in the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, a federally funded program which provides low-income seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods (produce, honey, and fresh herbs) at farmers markets, roadside stands and community supported agriculture programs.
But there are two bills in the Missouri legislature that can change that, and we’re asking for your help in getting them passed! Please contact members of the State Agriculture Committee today!
This week the House approved HB 327, sponsored by Rep. Lynn Morris (R, district 140). HB 327 now moves to the Senate, where it will be considered by the Agriculture Committee on Monday, April 3. While in the Senate, HB 327 will be handled by Sen. Kiki Curls (D, district 9), who is lead sponsor of the equivalent Senate bill, SB 373. Senator Curls recently secured approval of her own bill from the Senate Agriculture Committee. This is a good sign for the hearing of HB 327 on Monday but it is important that members of the Senate Agriculture Committee hear from you today. Why? Voices from metro KC really matter to this committee! The Senate Agriculture Committee includes four Senators who represent areas of metro Kansas City: Kiki Curls (D, district 9), Dan Hegeman (R, district 12), Jason Holsman (D, district 7) and Denny Hoskins (R, district 21). Talking points and more about the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. You can also ask your State Senators to support HB327 and SB373. Find Your Legislators Comments are closed.