When asked what a grocery store meant to him, one Kansas City, Missouri resident said this: “It is a place to get fresh produce, meat and dairy. [The grocery store] has affordable food choices and is geographically accessible; it should be within walking distance or on a bus line.” But what if there was no sidewalk to walk to the grocery store, or the bus stop near a grocery store didn’t have a safe place to stand?
On April 4, Kansas City, Missouri residents have the opportunity to truly make an investment in their city by voting yes to Questions 1, 2 and 3 of the G.O. Bond. This morning the Kansas City, Missouri Transportation & Infrastructure Committee of the City Council passed a committee substitute resolution that offers a comprehensive plan for spending G.O. Bond funding if passed by voters on April 4. If the bonds are approved, the resolution would require the City Manager to create a sidewalk prioritization/action plan, a sidewalk repair implementation plan, a complete streets policy and a strategic mobility plan. This joint effort will bring greater accountability to the city as it spends G.O. Bonds:
This resolution is critical when comes to ensuring commitment to safe, livable neighborhoods. Here are 2 things you can do to keep the good news coming: Right this minute:
Next Tuesday, April 4: Vote YES on Questions 1, 2 and 3. G.O. Bond funding would improve access to grocery stores and other healthy food retailers by providing the following:
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