A big advocacy win for struggling seniors and farmers in Missouri! Thanks to the hard work of advocates like you, Missouri seniors and farmers will once again enjoy the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, beginning in FY 2019. The Missouri Senate passed HB 1625 (Rep. Morris) by a vote of 29-2 in the final hour of this regular legislative session. The outgoing Governor Greitens signed the legislation into law last Friday, re-establishing this federally funded program. Missouri Department of Agriculture will submit the grant paperwork to USDA this fall, and we expect the program to kick off in 2019.
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides low-income seniors with coupons they can use to buy fresh, healthy food at farmers markets, roadside stands and community supported agriculture programs. The program will not only help the food-insecure seniors stretch their budget to buy more fruits and vegetables, it generates new sales for local farmers, strengthening local economies. In the past few years, we have worked long and hard with legislators and advocates across the state to get this legislation across the finish line. Your phone calls, letters, testimony, emails, and social media posts worked! Thank you for standing up for our struggling seniors and farmers, and making their voices heard. Join us in thanking Rep. Morris and Sen. Curls for their leadership and commitment in championing the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Rep. Lynn Morris (District 140 – Christian County) [email protected] Sen. Kiki Curls (District 9 – Kansas City) [email protected] While we are delighted to see this important piece of food legislation pass, our fight to protect vulnerable families and children is far from over. The Missouri Legislature passed SB 884 that reduces the corporate tax rate, which is estimated to cost $50 million to $100 million in revenue per year. This means, less money to support the disadvantaged population and communities thrive through robust nutrition programs, health care, and housing measures. We also saw an increasing attack on food assistance programs like SNAP (food stamps) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Advocacy works, and there are always ways to get involved, add your voice, and advocate to make our region a healthier place to live. Want to learn more about the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program and how it benefits your community? Click here Comments are closed.