Looking for a great way to give your staff a break from the office, while also giving back to the community? Follow in MMGY’s footsteps and join us at Splitlog Farm for a day of volunteering!
This past June, 40 volunteers from MMGY, a marketing agency specializing in travel, tourism and hospitality, spent two days helping our local food team at Splitlog Farm. They took time away from the office to plant, harvest and serve their community, all while enjoying the nice sunshine. Each day, about 20 volunteers came to pull weeds from the sweet potato patch, clean out pollinator beds and plant seedlings. The potatoes they harvested were part of KC Healthy Kids’ free farm box distribution that goes to kids and families at our partnering early care and education centers. The MMGY staff enjoyed being able to give back to the Kansas City community and loved exploring Splitlog Farm. Most did not know the farm existed until they volunteered! “It is always an honor to be able to give back to the KC community and do our part to help make the world a better place. We are blessed to be in such a wonderful location and love that we were able to volunteer and help out where we could! Being able to take a day to volunteer is beyond rewarding in more ways than can be counted,” said one volunteer, Brendan Many of the MMGY staff became attached to the 6 kittens born on the farm earlier this year. One woman made it her mission to help the kittens be adopted, as well as the mama cat. By the time the kittens were old enough to be separated from mom, all were adopted quickly! The volunteer even took the mama home and named her Sofie. Sofie went from extremely skinny, to living the good life with her new family. KC Healthy Kids is grateful to MMGY for helping get Splitlog Farm ready for the fall season. If your family, community group or staff would like to volunteer at Splitlog, please contact Gina Piccinini. Comments are closed.