See three original works of art created by Natasha Ria El-Scari, Cheyenne Banda and JT Daniels for KC Voices. The works will travel to community sites and public offices throughout the year. If you would like to exhibit the works in your public space, please call KC Healthy Kids at 816-523-5353. August
Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas City Hall 701 N 7th St Kansas City, KS 66101 July Jackson County Courthouse 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 June Office of US Congresswoman Sharice Davids 753 State Avenue, Suite 460 Kansas City, KS 66101 May Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center 3700 Blue Parkway Kansas City, Missouri 64130 KC Voices involves residents and stakeholders in low-income, racially diverse neighborhoods in KCK and KCMO in sharing stories and information about how food policies shape our community, our opportunities and our plates. The collaborative addresses SNAP, WIC, school food and other programs contained in the Child Nutrition Reauthorization and 2018 Farm Bill. About the Artists Comments are closed.