Green Gate Family Farm is owned and operated by Katie Nixon and Ken Barber. We established the farm in 2010 with the purchase of 67 acres in rural Missouri. After purchase, the farm was immediately transitioned into organic production. In 2014, after the 3-year transition period the farm was certified by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. In 2019, we were Real Organic Certified. In addition to the wide variety of certified organic annual and perennial produce we grow, we sell certified organic bedding plants, cut flowers, and eggs (chicken, duck, goose and turkey). We do all of this production on about 5 acres of land that includes 3 unheated high tunnels and one heated greenhouse and grow year-round. Our market outlets are mainly in the Kansas City region, but we also sell locally. Our customers include: Whole Food Market, CSA members (three sessions through-out the year), online customers, and restaurants. We also sell wholesale through the Kansas City Food Hub- a 25-member cooperative co-founded by Green Gate where Katie currently serves as President. In 2021, we added a small, but growing, flock of Katahdin sheep, which we not sell live offspring from. Our personal goals include safe, healthy food for our table, as well as for our customers, and a farm property that fits in with the ecology of the land we live on. We are striving to be a sustainable, ecologically friendly farm, and a successful farm business. Comments are closed.