Adams ORAC Farm is a diversified food forest with a multitude of plants, mushrooms and animals. We sell to the public directly from the farm in Independence, MO at 18103 E Courtney Atherton Rd and also offer a CSA. You can also find us at the City Market, Independence Farmers Market and Via Del Senior at 17400 Courtney Atherton Rd. We sell eggs, flowers, fruit, herbs, honey, mushrooms and vegetables both annual and perennial blackberries, current raspberries, aronia berries, elderberries, apples, apricots, plumbs, nectarines, pears, peaches and currants. We also offer prepared goods including jams and jellies. Be Love Too Farm is a non-certified, organic microgreen and sheep farm. Our focus is growing the most nutrient dense microgreens (we call them shoots) and regeneratively raised grass fed, grass finished lambs.
We started our farm in partnership with Cafe Gratitude, growing organic vegetables and microgreens. Through the years we have chosen to dedicate our time and energy to microgreens and sheep, which is our passion. We sell to individuals through a subscription program, restaurants, grocery stores, the KC Food Hub, and at the Brookside Farmers Market. Bread and Roses Farm started as a large community garden and transitioned to a working farm in 2017 in order to give our land more attention. Our favorite things about farming include being a hub of increasing biodiversity for our urban neighborhood, learning from the land, and providing affordable and convenient local food for our city. The heart of a farm is our full season CSA. Our CSA is great for those who are new to the CSA model, or who don't have tons of time to go to farmers markets. We are passionate about making our CSA an easy alternative to the grocery store for those wanting to start their local food journey. We also grow a range of cut flowers for home delivered bouquets. Return to Directory Home Page An urban farm sitting on terraced land we use a mixture of garden beds, hydroponic tables and containers totaling 5,800 feet. We grow and deliver vegetables, microgreens, fruit and herbs cultivated using organic farming practices. Our farm is located 50 miles south of Kansas City just east of Adrian, MO. We offer grass-fed grass-finished beef & lamb, forest-raised pork, and pasture-raised chicken and turkey. Our goal is to provide you with naturally raised wholesome food using regenerative farming methods that mimic the patterns found in nature. We use rotational grazing to raise our cattle and sheep. They are moved daily around our farm to new pastures and fresh forage. The chickens and turkeys live out on pasture in mobile coops. We move them every morning to a clean area of pasture where they can scratch and range for grasses and bugs in addition to their non-GMO feed. Our pigs are raised in the woods where they can roam and forage to their hearts content. They use their snout to root around the forest floor feasting as they go along. They also receive a free-choice non-gmo feed ration. Tasty bacon comes from happy hogs! We would love to be your local clean meat farmers. Check out our website for more information on our farming practices and shop online anytime for home delivery or free local pick up point around the KC metro. The Fruitful Hills CSA community of horse-powered family farms grows the products for 25 weeks of deliveries in the summer, beginning early May and ending mid-October. Our community also grows products for a winter CSA, beginning mid-November, and ending in late April with 12 bi-weekly deliveries. Fruitful Hills CSA grows high quality, healthy products. We started with vegetables 15 years ago, and now include eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, pork, raw dairy, honey, canned goods, cornmeal, popcorn, and apple cider. Fruitful Hills CSA offers farmers in our community the opportunity to take part in our grower’s circle. Members of our grower’s circle must uphold exacting standards for quality and land stewardship. Eight families grow a variety of vegetables for the summer and winter CSA seasons with consistently high quality. Our crops include heirloom and hybrid tomatoes, lettuces, baby leaf salad mixes, carrots, radishes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choi, kale, peppers, cherry tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, sweet corn, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, potatoes, and strawberries. Share subscribers in the summer 2023 season received strawberries for 5 weeks, melons for 9 weeks, tomatoes for 19 weeks, and lettuce for 16 weeks. Our winter share subscribers enjoy a mix of root crops, fresh and storage vegetables, canned goods, fresh salad mixes, and head lettuce. Using high tunnels in the winter season gives our subscribers soil-grown fresh greens. We delivered fresh greens even in December, January, and February. We grow varieties harvested and delivered at the peak of their flavor and nutrition. We grow for flavor, not for easy shipping. We grow vegetables high in minerals and nutrients. We avoid the use of synthetic sprays and fertilizer, only using products labeled for organic production. We build soils with green cover crops, compost, and manure, using proper withdrawal periods for manure application of 120 days before harvest. Using horsepower for field work and growing crops in high tunnels, we generate a small carbon footprint. We heat the high tunnels with wood in the coldest days of winter for the early tomatoes. Doing so allows us to deliver to subscribers fresh, soil-grown tomatoes early in the summer season. We raise our animals outdoors on free-range pasture. During extreme weather, we provide proper shelter. A benefit to subscribers is the annual farm visit and tour, held in early summer. We invite subscribers to visit the farms to see our farming practices and talk with the people growing their food. We feel it’s proper to say, “From our fields to your table, using sustainable farming practices with your family’s health and the health of the environment for future generations in mind.” Green Gate Family Farm is owned and operated by Katie Nixon and Ken Barber. We established the farm in 2010 with the purchase of 67 acres in rural Missouri. After purchase, the farm was immediately transitioned into organic production. In 2014, after the 3-year transition period the farm was certified by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. In 2019, we were Real Organic Certified. In addition to the wide variety of certified organic annual and perennial produce we grow, we sell certified organic bedding plants, cut flowers, and eggs (chicken, duck, goose and turkey). We do all of this production on about 5 acres of land that includes 3 unheated high tunnels and one heated greenhouse and grow year-round. Our market outlets are mainly in the Kansas City region, but we also sell locally. Our customers include: Whole Food Market, CSA members (three sessions through-out the year), online customers, and restaurants. We also sell wholesale through the Kansas City Food Hub- a 25-member cooperative co-founded by Green Gate where Katie currently serves as President. In 2021, we added a small, but growing, flock of Katahdin sheep, which we not sell live offspring from. Our personal goals include safe, healthy food for our table, as well as for our customers, and a farm property that fits in with the ecology of the land we live on. We are striving to be a sustainable, ecologically friendly farm, and a successful farm business. Marla and Brian Biggs began this first generation farm just outside of Paola, Kansas in 2013 with a small herd of Scottish Highland cattle. At Hedgewood Farms, our mission is to provide premium quality pastured beef, pork, poultry, eggs and produce, practicing humane and sustainable regenerative farming. We provide families with real, healthy, and delicious whole food choices. Hand raised, and home grown. We are passionate about providing food that sustains the land and feeds families the healthiest most nutritional food possible. We are helping save the planet with regenerative farming. Our cattle are Scottish Highland, South Pole and Angus and they are 100% grass fed and finished. Our hogs are raised on woodland forage and our broilers and egg layers are raised on pasture to help restore land health and encourage biodiversity. Poultry and hogs are supplemented with 100% organic grains. Our farm includes a small market garden that follows organic practices. We invite you to visit our website and become a Hedgewood Farms family subscriber. Subscribers have priority access to all our products. When supplies are low, we reserve inventory for you first on standing order items. Delivery is free within our delivery radius with a minimum order amount. The best way to ensure you can feed your family high- quality whole foods year round. Find us at these markets in 2022: Lenexa Farmers Market, Brookside Farmers’ Market. Herdsman House Farm LLC was established in March of 2020. It is a small specialty crop operation located on the greater Historic Martin Farm on the south-central side of Hillsdale Lake in Miami County, Kansas. Sharon Autry is farmer and steward of Herdsman House Farm. She grew up in rural Missouri where she tended a large garden with her family and shared the bounty with her neighbors. Her childhood experience with agriculture forever linked growing food, building community and providing equitable access to healthy, delicious food. Sharon is committed to conservation and community. Her farming practices are focused on practicing reciprocity with the land, building soil health, and imitating the patterns and preferences of nature. Her marketing goals are to provide equitable access to safe, healthy, and nutritious local food and contribute to a sustainable local food system. Herdsman House Farm grows veggies year-round and markets through Nomad Market KC in Louisburg, KS in the winter and through Rolling Prairie CSA in the summer. Transplants, produce, and sweet potato slips are also available for purchase in season or for pick up directly off farm by appointment. It all started with a dream. A dream that I did not discover until later in life. Some of us are late bloomers, and that is okay. I always had a passion for nature and the great outdoors. Who knew it would be farming that would take a hold of me and not let go?I had the good fortune of being around other nature loving family members, namely my grandparents on my mother’s side who transformed a dry and barren half acre property in Eastern San Diego into a beautiful and fruitful property with flowers and fruit trees of all kinds. Hidden Mesa Farm is named in honor of my grandparents who lived on Hidden Mesa Road. Hidden Mesa Farm, established in the fall of 2020, is a small specialty vegetable, fruit, and herb farm located in rural Paola in Kansas. We believe strongly in using organic methods on our farm to help improve our soil health and increase the biodiversity that exists on our small piece of land that we now steward. Our homegrown produce is available during the Farmers Market season in Ottawa, Kansas from May through the end of October and through a small membership CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. In the off-season, we continue to grow under cover and offer vegetables and microgreens for sale through our email newsletter to our local community. Please reach out if you would like to get on our email list or have any questions. We would be more than happy to answer any questions and offer you a personal tour of our farm by appointment only. Please contact me by email (linked in icon below) or by phone- (913) 707-1647. Our brand-new website is up in 2024 at You can also follow us on Instagram @hiddenmesafarm. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Nina & Todd Danner. JCCC Open Petal Farm was started on two acres of campus in 2010 to provide a learning lab for students in the Sustainable Agriculture program. It has since grown to 3 acres and added a mixed fruit orchard, 300 blueberry bushes, a student designed edible forest, a moveable high tunnel, a solar storage shed, a coolbot refrigerated trailer, and numerous other projects. Produce is sold through Rolling Prairie CSA and an on-campus farmers market. We are a 14.5 acre urban farm in southern Wyandotte County bringing people of all ages, ancestries, and abilities on-farm, hands-on connecting them to the land and soil, food, community, and opportunity. We scaffold our educational opportunities so that pre-k children can get outside, move around, and experience farm life; elementary-aged children can feel the joy of growing and eating fresh food; and tweens, teens, and young adults can begin to experience regenerative agriculture as part of the entire food system, and perhaps as a vocation. We also participate as a host farm in the Growing Growers program. We grow using organic methods and feed our own 40-member CSA, host a weekly on-farm Farmers Market (Wednesday 3-7pm), use a pay-what-you're-able economic model for our food and programs, and accept SNAP, Double-Up Food Bucks, and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition checks. MyCo Planet is a woman-owned and operated business that is dedicated to sustainability and education. Located in North Kansas City, the farm produces a variety of delicious and nutritious mushrooms using eco-friendly methods. We have our Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Certification and we are committed to sustainability and organic practices, using only the highest quality ingredients and techniques to grow our mushrooms to ensure that we are leaving a positive impact on the environment. We believe in the power of collaboration and are dedicated to building strong relationships with our community and supporting local initiatives. We hope that our mushrooms will bring people together and foster a love of fungi. MyCo Planet was established in 2021 by owner, Robin Moore. She has a background in Biology and grew up on a small farm in Missouri where she developed a passion for growing food. New Roots is a training program that empowers refugees, immigrants and English Language Learner farmers to develop sustainable businesses. The collaboration between Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas and Cultivate KC helps individuals with an agricultural background in their home countries adapt to Kansas City climate and culture while supporting their families. Our trainee and graduate farmers use organic principles and sell their produce to local restaurants, at farmers markets and through Farm Share subscriptions. Pat and Rachels Gardens LLC is a USDA certified organic family farm located between Lawrence, Kansas and Olathe, Kansas just south of DeSoto. Jim and Sandra Leek and their children worked together to create Pat and Rachel's Gardens LLC. Pat and Rachel are two children of our clan who have passed away, and we created this farm to honor them. As a family we continue to grow local, sustainable, and organic food to honor our Maker. We value community and believe we can help create a healthier future for us all by nurturing this community from the ground up. We are Solar Organic and Local. SOL food. In addition to producing food, we are a Certified Organic Processor which means we are licensed to wash, prepare, process, and freeze, and freeze dry organic products (which will be available at the Brookside Farmers Market and Overland Park Farmers Market as well as The Community Mercantile in Lawrence). As part of our dedication to the local food network, we are farmer members of the Kansas City Food Hub where James served as a board member for four years. We are primarily solar powered and use a pond-fed, drip irrigation system to use resources as sustainably as we can here in Kansas. We invite you to support Pat and Rachels Gardens in creating a healthier future by buying Solar Organic Local food: SOL food. James Leek, co-owner of Pat & Rachels Gardens has supported research and dissemination of best practices through SARE and USDA grants. He has shared his knowledge with the community through keynote presentations at the Kansas State Olathe campus and at the University of Missouri Extension in St. Peters, Missouri. We are a small family owned 2 acre operation farming organically since 1981. We have been making organic soaps and bath care products since 1985. We also teach several old world arts and crafts skills including pottery. We only use sustainable practices in our business. We grow many heirloom and specialty hard to find fruits and veggies along with herbs and orchard fruit. We also have been growing many organic micro greens since 1996. We also have a wide variety of specialty organic soaps, salves and souffles made from only the finest ingredients. We are a regional finalist in 1984 with Robert Rodale’s Organic Magazine Contest, a host farm with Growing Growers KC since 2005, a SARE grant winner 2008 Project titled, ‘Incredible Crop Yields From Small Urban Spaces,’ have shown our gardens with KCUrban Farms and Gardens Tours 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, and an Entrepreneur Showcase Slow Money Speaker 2005. We have an farm located in Kansas City, MO where we are trying to change the area one person, one family, one community at a time. We grow everything organically on our farm with a wide range to choose from...tomatoes, cucumbers, squash potatoes, beans, eggplant, herbs, garlic, peas, mushrooms, greens, strawberries, blackberries, elderberries, cabbage, kohlrabi, beets, turnips arugula, spinach, and so much more!
We also have over 50 different jellies and jams made using local produce we grow or harvested from within 75 miles of us. We have a line of Spice Blends, some using Ghost Pepper and Habaneros. We not only grow and sell at local farmers markets, but we are working with Pepper Berries Teaching Emporium and we teach gardening, cooking and canning classes. Our farm is unusual due to the fact that we love to teach others what we are doing. Not only do we sell at farmers markets but we teach people how to grow produce, can or cook with it and how to sell value added produce at farmers markets or wholesale. We have a 3 year program to help young growers learn to garden and provide enough for their families and also to sell and bring in an income. Working with Pepper Berries Teaching Emporium, we have been able to expand this outreach. Rolling Prairie is the original Midwest vegetable cooperative. The founding farmers joined together in 1994 providing a vegetable subscription service to Lawrence and Kansas City. More than 300 households receive a weekly bag of locally grown produce during the growing season. While not all of our farmers participate in the organic certification process we still follow the same natural ecologically sustainable organic practices for growing food we have used since we started over twenty years ago. Our orchard is growing sustainably. We offer blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, paw paws, apples, pears and peaches in season. In addition, we offer value added products: currently salves, soaps, jellies, vinegars and tea blends. he most important thing about the farm is the land. Trying to bring the land back to where it should be. Sacred Sun Farm is a diverse organic farm nestled amongst the rolling hills of Jefferson County, just north of Lawrence, Kansas. We grow a wide range of vegetables, fruits, grains, medicinal and culinary herbs for our Farm Share/ CSA and Farmers Market in KC. With roughly 3 acres into vegetable production each year, we work closely with the soil, plants and animals to find balance and create a reciprocal and sustainable relationship of respect and care. We are committed to nurturing our deep connection to the Earth by tending and mending our relationships through these observations and growing practices. We are a 5th generation farm which focuses on taking care of the land & our animals. We are veteran-owned & operated. We specialize in grass-fed beef, pork, lamb & chicken. CSA available. You can also find us at the Overland Park Farmers Market Saturdays (year round) and at the Park Place (Leawood) Farmers Market Saturdays in season. We offer Home Delivery on Thursdays right to your door or office. CSA Subscriptions available. My name is Blake Bahora I run 700th Homestead Company a small scale naturally grown produce and proteins farm in Pleasanton Kansas. I started my sustainable farming journey in 2019 when I was determined to raise my children on clean and flavorful foods. My then goal to feed my family grew to include friends and eventually other families I didn't know personally started wanting in as well. Now my farm includes a small CSA program as well as farmers markets to help make local food more accessible. Specializing in the weird and unique I love introducing people too fun varieties of staple food to help even the pickiest of eaters fall in love with fresh local eating. We are a small, Grade A, farmstead creamery located in Pleasanton, KS. Our herd of beautiful pastured Jersey cows provides us with raw milk that we sell at our farm store as well as a wide variety of fermented dairy products and cheeses. The taste and quality of our raw milk drives everything we do. Though delicious just by itself, the flavors of the seasonal forage shining through the milk also create unique flavors in our cheeses. Nestled in the rolling hills of northwest Missouri, our family's century farm hosts TableTop Farms. As a woman-owned and family-operated venture, we take pride in our seed-to-table approach. Growing over 50 varieties of Certified Naturally Grown vegetables and herbs yield flavorful and nutrient-dense produce thats healthy for your family. We collaborate with nature, fostering healthy soils abundant with life through thoughtfully managed fertilizers and compost. This creates a thriving habitat for beneficial earthworms, nematodes, and other soil organisms. Our animals thrive through regenerative practices, contributing to the healing of our land. Our South Pole cattle graze exclusively on grass, while our farrow-to-finish hogs, meat birds, and egg layers also enjoy pasture life. They're supplemented with organic grains and any garden scraps they fancy. We love talking about growing food, food education, and nurturing community connections. Join us at the Brookside Farmers Market, Lenexa Farmers Market, or Overland Park Farmers Market. You can also explore our website at The Natural Farmacy KC is a sustainable, organic-practice urban farm operated by Dhan Rai, a graduate of the New Roots for Refugees farm business training program. In addition to selling at the Overland Park Farmer's Market, the farm also offers a CSA farm share program that includes full and half-season share options, supplies wholesale accounts, and now also produces cut flowers for sale to the public. The Natural Farmacy sites are located in the KCK urban core and have been a great opportunity to connect with the community and make productive use of under utilized vacant land and bring fresh produce to our neighbors. Farmer Dhan is excited to bring his years of agricultural experience from the field to your table! |