We have an farm located in Kansas City, MO where we are trying to change the area one person, one family, one community at a time. We grow everything organically on our farm with a wide range to choose from...tomatoes, cucumbers, squash potatoes, beans, eggplant, herbs, garlic, peas, mushrooms, greens, strawberries, blackberries, elderberries, cabbage, kohlrabi, beets, turnips arugula, spinach, and so much more!
We also have over 50 different jellies and jams made using local produce we grow or harvested from within 75 miles of us. We have a line of Spice Blends, some using Ghost Pepper and Habaneros. We not only grow and sell at local farmers markets, but we are working with Pepper Berries Teaching Emporium and we teach gardening, cooking and canning classes. Our farm is unusual due to the fact that we love to teach others what we are doing. Not only do we sell at farmers markets but we teach people how to grow produce, can or cook with it and how to sell value added produce at farmers markets or wholesale. We have a 3 year program to help young growers learn to garden and provide enough for their families and also to sell and bring in an income. Working with Pepper Berries Teaching Emporium, we have been able to expand this outreach. Comments are closed.